Tuesday, 16 August 2016

3rd World Wonder Petra - American Museum of Natural History

Two thousand years ago, Petra was standing at a crossroads of the ancient East. Camel caravans passed through, away from the fields of spices, cloth and filled with sunshine - and through such commerce, the city flourished. Its people, Nabataeans, precious tap water, enabling the population to soar to perhaps 20,000.

American Museum of Natural History | Historical Destination Petra  

Nabataeans built the monumental tombs, their kings and leaders memorializing. But political control has changed over time, and so did the trade routes. Finally, the city was quiet, forgotten by the outside world.

Archaeologists find clues to the past are today Petra. Great exhibits here, recently explored by several excavations, shed new light on this extraordinary desert city.

Petra, the world wonder, a doubt Jordan's most valuable treasure and greatest tourist attraction is without. It is a vast, unique city, carved into the rock face is sheer by Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2000 years ago, silk, spice and other trade routes that linked China to turn into an important junction, India Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome with the southern Arabia.

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